Classrooms are being spruced up, back-to-school sales are everywhere, and kids are gearing up for the new school year. Preparations for the 10,000 students we will reach this year keep us hopping!
Our long-standing COMPASS curriculum for 7th, 8th, and 9th grades has completed its annual review and new edits have been implemented. This year we are excited to continue piloting our new Project ID program for 5th and 6th grade students, and Battle of the Sexes is gearing up for their next event right around the corner!
At LifeChoices, we choose to be on the frontlines and get ahead of issues like an unplanned pregnancy, STDs, sexting, and pornography. Our ever-evolving youth culture is constantly inundated with cyber-safety issues, which groom young kids into dangerous situations. LifeChoices is proud that prevention is a core pillar of our DNA and we can get this information into the hands of students and their parents before it’s ever needed. Empowering, medically-based education gives our students the resiliency skills and necessary tools to decide for themselves how they can chart a healthier life for their future.
Thank you for your gift that makes this pro-education department at LifeChoices a reality for so many kids in our communities!