“Save me O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. I am worn out calling for help.”
– Psalm 69:1-3
So often, the cries come in the darkest hours of the night…
An online search for “abortion near me,” police operations in hotels to identify those caught in sexual exploitation, a late-night call from a panicked mother wanting birth control for her 14-year-old who she just found out is sexually active, the desperate text from a woman who has no support and finds herself pregnant, a hotline call from a woman in desperate pain and who has no one else to call…
These are just a few of the cries for help that LifeChoices responded to last month.
Because of your generosity, LifeChoices is here to provide God’s hope in a world of darkness and desperation. God’s unrelenting love shines a light that brings compassion, comfort, and tangible care to those who are worn out from calling for help.
One client recently wrote, “I haven’t talked to you in a long time but I have good news to share… I have steady work and my health is better! I saved our apartment from eviction yesterday. I have never returned back to that life since the night we met. Thank you so very very much! I’m grateful for all your help!”
Thank you for helping so many find the peace and love made possible by God’s amazing grace.