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Monthly Update

Pause & Reflect Monthly Update

Pause & Reflect

When the hustle and bustle of the holidays settles, there can be a quiet moment to reflect with gratitude and count God’s incredible blessings as the year closes. At LifeChoices, we often must make a conscious effort to pause and reflect, as the pace of our ministry is typically anything but calm and contemplative. It’s…
Jordynn Griffith
January 17, 2025
“Thank you so much!” Monthly Update

“Thank you so much!”

As we move into the Thanksgiving season, we are especially thankful for you. Your generosity allows us to serve and support our community in ways that would not be possible otherwise. It is because of your faithful partnership that lives are being touched, hearts are being lifted, and hope is being restored. Just recently, one…
Jordynn Griffith
November 5, 2024
Calling for Help Monthly Update

Calling for Help

“Save me O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. I am worn out calling for help.” - Psalm 69:1-3 So often, the cries come in the darkest hours of…
Jordynn Griffith
October 28, 2024
Welcoming with Warmth Monthly Update

Welcoming with Warmth

Our phone chimed with the notification of a new message. The text read, “I just wanted to thank the lady that spoke to me about my options when I came to confirm my pregnancy…tell her I’m doing good. I was confused on my decision when I came and she prayed for me. I just found…
Jordynn Griffith
August 16, 2024
Freedom for the Future Monthly Update

Freedom for the Future

“Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” - President Ronald Reagan At LifeChoices, we believe in the youth of today. We consider it a great privilege that our…
Jordynn Griffith
July 1, 2024
The Impact of Dads Monthly Update

The Impact of Dads

When Macey* came to the clinic to verify her unwanted pregnancy she was adamant about having an abortion. She said the timing of this pregnancy did not align with her plans. As a courtesy, she let the father of the baby, Matt*, come along, but she was sure he didn’t want a kid either. As…
Jordynn Griffith
June 12, 2024
The Power of a Conversation Monthly Update

The Power of a Conversation

As our nurse wrapped up her normal appointment visit with the young woman sitting in front of her, the conversation casually transitioned to a conversation about faith. At first, Julie* was quiet and hesitant to share the details about what brought her in for our medical services. But soon her anxiety lessened, and the exam…
Jordynn Griffith
May 22, 2024