Many blessings to each of you as we enter 2020!
As the clinic doors opened on the last day of 2019 a mother came straight from the hospital to show off her tiny newborn son. She beamed with delight as her nurse expressed joy at the little one’s arrival. The mother softly expressed her deep appreciation,
“Without this clinic my baby wouldn’t be here. I couldn’t have done it without your support. Thank you.”
Just a few days later a young new father wrote on our Facebook page:
“Would like to say the New Year did bring a great surprise to our family and we just want to give a BIG thank you to the Joplin Choices! They were great and what a great resource we have here. I’m so thankful they provide these services to our community.”
Your faithful support helps the miracle of life happen every day at LifeChoices. We could not serve nearly 14,000 people each year without you!
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning,” and every year! Sometimes these amazing joys aren’t realized fully until nine months have passed, but new life never ceases to give great cause for celebration and delight. Thank you for making this possible.
Have a wonderful year!