What if you were to wake up each morning and know—beyond a shadow of a doubt—God had chosen you to take part in a mighty, world-changing endeavor? What would it be like to have the creator of the universe put His arm around your shoulder and say, “I need you. Let’s get started!”
In 1989, a small group of passionate and dedicated individuals knew that God was calling them to mighty endeavors and thus the ministry of LifeChoices was born. This small-but-mighty team had a conviction to serve young women facing unplanned pregnancies and lacking a safe place to turn for support. Since that time, we have seen God move in incredible ways! We have had several building purchases and expansions, provided dozens of national trainings, offered thousands of innovative programs and resources in our community, and impacted countless lives.
Last month we were honored to gather with many friends and supporters to celebrate our last 35 years of impact and prayerfully launch into our NEXT 35 years of service. We opened the doors of our Joplin medical clinic for an open house event where guests had the opportunity to participate in a self-guided prayer walk through the clinic. We were delighted to see many familiar faces, meet new friends, and celebrate all that we have accomplished together with you!
If you missed the open house but would like to join us in prayer for this season of ministry, here are a few ideas for you:
Pray for wisdom and love to pour into the families we serve.
Pray for our clients to have peace and feel loved by our team.
Pray that students will make healthy life choices in their relationships and online.
Pray for a path to safety for those in danger of exploitation and trafficking.
Pray that God would multiply our time, talents, and treasures to further this important work.
As we celebrate this exciting ministry milestone, we also reflect on our great gratitude for YOU! While you may not be here with us physically, your prayers, encouragement, and support fuel us daily.
God needs each of us to pitch in on this world-changing endeavor through LifeChoices. Thank you for joining us!