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Speak Up for the Voiceless

“Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of the down-and-outers. Speak out for justice!”

The verses from The Message version of Proverbs 31:8-9 are a daily anthem for the LifeChoices team.

Ultrasounds at our Carthage and Joplin clinics daily show life from within the womb. Those in sexual health crisis are given compassionate medical care. Twice each month our medical team serves inmates in local jails. Our mobile unit serves residents at area rehab shelters. Sexually exploited individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Survivors of trafficking are lifted out of slavery and given safe passage to freedom.

Recently a human trafficking survivor recovered by Joplin law enforcement asked if she could return to visit. Her gratitude was expressed to a room filled with the LifeChoices team and community members involved in providing safety and care to her and several others over one year ago. She summed up her thanks-giving with these words, “Thank you for showing us that the people of Jesus care. To us, you are America’s love.”

Your partnership with LifeChoices delivers a message of love to so many hearts who have no voice. Together we can share the hope of true justice for all. Thank you for your support!