A consistent prayer amongst our team is that students will truly hear what we teach them and implement it to create the best possible lives for themselves, both now and in the future. As seed planters and waterers, we don’t often get to see how God is working in a student’s life or if there is a plentiful harvest due to our efforts, but occasionally, we’re gifted a special glimpse.
We recently hired a new classroom presenter for our healthy relationships program, Compass. This young woman was so excited to interview for the team. When asked how she heard about our program and why she felt led to join us, she shared that she was a student in one of our local classrooms several years ago and she really connected with her Compass presenter. She also shared that the lessons we taught deeply impacted her and she “wants to help students like LifeChoices helped me and my friends.” It was an amazing full-circle moment, and soon she will be teaching our program in the very same community that she grew up in – to students who are walking the same hallways that she once walked.
I love these moments when we can clearly see how God orchestrated our path, and that further fuels my faith that tomorrow will be even better than yesterday because God is at the helm.
Thank you for supporting our mission and furthering the incredible impact of our team!