Thank you for your partnership that allows students in our schools and patients in our clinics to be offered empowering, life-saving information.
It is the team efforts of partners like you and volunteers that serve in our clinics that make all the difference in the lives of so many. One of our faithful volunteer advocates shared the following story:
As I was walking into church a couple of weeks ago, I saw a young lady lean over and whisper to her boyfriend, “There she is!” I thought I recognized her as one of my clients. She shyly approached me and asked, “Aren’t you the lady from LifeChoices? You invited us to come here to church and we are so thankful.” Then she reached out and gave me a hug.
I confess, I got teary-eyed. I had invited this young couple, as I do so many that come to the clinic and tell me they have no church home. Ashley and her boyfriend have been coming to church for several weeks now. I love knowing they are learning what it is to be part of the family of God.
At LifeChoices we are so thankful for the opportunity to plant seeds and sometimes we get to watch God water them.
Lives are being changed forever because of people like you and others who are choosing to stand in the gap to be a voice of hope.