Walt Disney once said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” It is one of my favorite quotes – reminding me to be joyful in the midst of a challenge.
Every day at LifeChoices is filled with opportunities to creatively overcome what many would say is “impossible.”
To empower young people to make healthy choices in their relationships. To offer hope to men and women who are facing an unwanted or unintended pregnancy. To provide healing to individuals with life-altering sexual health diagnoses. To bring safety to survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
To the world, these may seem like impossible goals. But to the team at LifeChoices, this is our calling. We press on into this hard and challenging work because we believe in a God that overcomes the impossible. We find encouragement in verses like Galatians 6:9, where we read, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest…”
We also find encouragement in your support. Your gifts and prayers encourage us that, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” We could never do this important work without you. Thank you!