Someone once said, “80 percent of success is just showing up.” Not only does this quote have practical implications, but it is a theme that we see time and time again in the Bible too. One example of this is the story of Isaiah. Isaiah wasn’t an exceptionally special or talented man, but he was a man who saw a need in his people and said, “Here am I, send me.” Isaiah’s heart was broken for his people, so he decided to “just show up.”
We often see that this theory is true in the work we do at LifeChoices also. Sometimes, all that our clients or students need is for someone to show up for them. The simple act of a pregnancy test, kind and attentive ear, or referrals for ongoing resources are all that it takes for our clients to feel love and hope in their time of need. One client recently shared, “I always feel love and true concern by the staff. This is where God wanted me today.”
But we also know that this concept is true when it comes to you, our faithful supporters, too. Because you choose to show up for LifeChoices with generous support, our team is able to show up for our community.
Thank you. To all of you. You show up because, just like Isaiah, you see a world in need and choose to take action. Your partnership with LifeChoices is impacting thousands of lives.