“Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves…” – Matthew 14:19
Many of us have most likely heard countless sermons about the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. It could easily be seen as a cliché church lesson about trusting God, but at LifeChoices we get to live out the miracle of this story every day…
When reading this story it can be easy to skim over the details to quickly arrive at the miracle – Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish! This can often be a reflection of how we react in stressful situations of our own, wishing God would hurry so that we can see the solutions He will provide for us. But in verse 18 of this story, before the bread was even broken, Jesus pauses to give thanks to God. We can assume that Jesus knew there would be enough food to go around, but the miracle hadn’t been performed yet. The crowd was still hungry, the disciples were still uncertain, and yet Jesus took the time to appreciate the blessing that God would soon bring to the people who were hungry and waiting. It is a brief moment in the story, but one that provides a poignant reminder for us all.
Ministry can often feel like this story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. In faith, we serve those in need, often times uncertain of how God will provide. And then generous people like you send a gift and God takes those shared resources and multiplies them to cover every need that may arise. It would be impossible to do this without you! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your kindness shared with LifeChoices, and we thank God for all of the future blessings that He has in store for the clients we serve.