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Monthly Update

Hope, Help, and Healing

Summer is winding down and soon our calendars will turn to fall. For many, this means fuller calendars and an extra sense of busyness in our lives. This tends to be true for the team at LifeChoices, too. A new school year means that we are teaching our Prevention Services programs in area schools again,…
Jordynn Griffith
August 3, 2021
Monthly Update

Generational Impact

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same…” These words from President Reagan are a great reminder of the importance of passing on a passion for life to…
Jordynn Griffith
July 7, 2021
Monthly Update

Trusting in the Uncertainty

“Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves…” - Matthew 14:19 Many of us have most likely heard countless sermons about the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. It could easily be seen as a cliché church lesson about trusting God, but at…
Jordynn Griffith
June 4, 2021
Monthly Update

“Thank you for helping us…”

When patients walk through our doors, it’s typically in a season that is hectic and chaotic in their world. Occasionally we have the blessing of hearing back from them when their life has settled. Here are four text messages we received at LifeChoices last month. From an individual with a positive HIV result: “Good morning.…
Jordynn Griffith
May 10, 2021
Monthly Update

Words matter. But so does listening…

According to the Barna Group, listening without judgment is the most important quality non-Christians and lapsed Christians look for when seeking out a person to talk with about faith. However, only a minority (34%) feel as though the Christians they know personally possess this quality. This information was recently sent to me with a note…
Jordynn Griffith
April 16, 2021
Monthly Update

Love Your Neighbor

Jesus gave us two great commands. The first is to love God, and the second is to love our neighbor. Simple, but not always easy. To illustrate the command to “love your neighbor,” Jesus told the story of “The Good Samaritan.” We know it well. A man sees an unknown neighbor in dire distress who…
Jordynn Griffith
March 8, 2021
Monthly Update

The Quiet People

Over the last 10+ years, the power of the internet has given a public platform to anyone who chooses to use it. For the first time ever, anyone can make their beliefs and opinions known to the entire world. This has led to us being inundated with thousands of voices telling us how to feel,…
Jordynn Griffith
February 16, 2021
Monthly Update

Speak Up for the Voiceless

2021 has arrived and we all are excited for the New Year ahead! January is often seen as a month of new beginnings, but it is also a month set aside to reflect on two areas of incredible injustice in our world - the sanctity of human life and human trafficking. Proverbs 31:8-9 reads, “Speak…
Jordynn Griffith
January 11, 2021
Photo Credit: aywan88
Monthly Update

An Extra Bundle of Joy!

Lauren visited our clinic determined to terminate her pregnancy. She was scared and alone, and our team suspected that she was in an abusive relationship. She was not interested in considering other options, but our team gently shared adoption resources with her and encouraged her to take time in making a decision. After Lauren left…
Jordynn Griffith
December 8, 2020